Sunday, October 17, 2010


"Design equals soul." I selected this as the title for my blog after noticing it as I flipped through the Tom Peterson book, "design - innovate, differentiate, communicate". I purchased and read the book a number of years ago during an attempt to revitalize my passion for design, to remember the roots it had deep within me, to recall what it felt like to have creative microbes bouncing around awaiting their release from captivity. Somewhere along the line I had forgotten the excitement of raw design, of pulling from within the fragments and features of cool and mixing them together until the page was satisfied. I had forgotten that design is integrally connected to one's soul.

When I was a kid, I drew cars constantly... constantly. That's what the above picture is. I probably drew it when I was 12-15 years old. Back then design wasn't a job, it was nothing other than fun.  It was fun because all I was doing was freely and openly letting my pen present the vision I had within, and I apparently had a lot of those. At that age, when asked what I wanted to do when I grew up I easily replied, "I want to design cars!"

I don't design cars today. That's okay. I do design things though. Mostly products. Some graphics. Neither are new to me. Both go fully back to my roots, to my soul. Whether it was legos or blocks or car models, I built and created. And whether it was a car, an abstract design, or a typography piece, I drew and created. To have the luxury today of doing both as a means of living is beyond great. I love the work I get to do. But it is work and it is easy to get lost in the duty of design and forget the dream. This blog will be a record of my journey back to creating from within. I will share my creations and the insights into their development. I will also share some designs from others I stumble across that inspire and motivate me. Finally, I will share my struggles and successes as I daily attempt to explore and express with the freedom and fun I enjoyed as a kid. 

Life is often better the kid way. So is design.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, keep it up! Your writing is inviting and thought provoking. I appreciate anyones journey in realizing that the beginning is the spark that we often forget, but always long for.
